Print Advertising Is Alive

is print alive or dead

Yes it is alive—Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and 2 Years From Now!

I have a photo of Santorini Greece sitting on my desk to remind me to plan the Trip!

Print is the Future!

It is clear that Print Advertising has evolved over the last 20 years, and no one can deny the rise in on-line advertising. But paper advertising is alive and well and continues to have the greatest impact for the marketing dollars spent.

Statistics that show how print ads Are alive:

  • Print ads generate about 78% of donations for non-profits.
  • Households earning more than $100,000, 70% read newspapers regularly.
  • When making a buying decision, 8 out of 10 consumers trust print ads the most.

I was asked to elaborate upon the importance of print advertising in today’s market, I thought I would address the concern by walking through a typical day in almost anyone’s life.

Ex 1: People Save Print Coupons

Yesterday, I stopped by my 81 year old father’s house to pick up coupons he had been saving. I had told him I would pick up some groceries for him when I went to the store, and he wanted me to use the coupons that he had. When I stopped by I went through them and noticed that some had expired more than 2 years ago. He had actually held on to them that long, expecting to make the purchase and keeping the coupons in the back of his mind until I came by. He was adamant that they were still good—the store would take them. Like the good son that I am, I obliged him and was actually able to use them at the store.

In this example: Print Advertising was working more than 2 years after it had been intended.

Ex. 2: Big Box Brands Still Use Printed Coupons

While at the store I noticed a printed sticker on one brand of hot dogs that allowed me to save immediately $1.50 at check out if I bought that brand of hot dogs instead of my normal brand. So, learning from my dad, I quickly added hot dogs to the grocery list and racked up more savings. Print Advertising again worked on an Immediate Transaction for the Day. While checking out, I noticed a flyer advertising $10 off on the admission to a local amusement park and I picked it up anticipating a trip in the not too distant future.

Again, Print Advertising was working to sell a Future Purchase.

Ex. 3: Small Businesses Send Out Local Print Ads

When I returned home, I stopped and picked up the mail. There were numerous advertisements hawking lawn maintenance, pool cleanings, termite control, etc. Yes, Summer Chores were almost here and I was going to need help!

I saved those relevant advertisements away for future use in the not too distant future!

Ex. 4: Brochures, Photos, Flyers Are All Print Advertising, Too!

Lastly, there was an advertisement for an Exotic Trip to Greece! There were the crystal blue waters staring me in the face—Ancient Greece Awaited! There was a web site listed. So, I logged onto my computer and sent off for some brochures on a Guided Trip to Greece. My wife and I had an anniversary coming later in the year, and I wanted to look more closely at the various options. Soon, brochures would be heading to me in the mail for me to sit and drool over, and there was a coupon good for $100 off if I purchased soon.

Print Advertising would pay off again—if not this year, then maybe a year or two from now!

I hope their $100 coupon is still good in 2030! Print advertising lasts and endures far past its expected life. It acts as a mental jog that cannot be obtained on line. It is welcome and in front of a customer’s face 24 hours a day, 7 days a week forever (at least until they throw the offer out). The shelf life far outstrips the 5/10th’s of a second email advertisings last on my iphone.

Interested in how print ads can actually get your customers to buy your product or service? Contact FMC Printing (formerly Finishing & Mailing Center) and let us help you plan a campaign that gets ROI.

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