EDDM, E.D.D.M., Every Door Direct Mail… there are many names that define the program that the United States Postal Office implemented to help business owners grow their business through direct mail.
EDDM is basically target mailing a postcard or flyer to only those specific carrier routes within a zip code you’d like to reach. However, with EDDM, the Post Office requires a larger size mail piece that also requires a higher postage amount. Specifically, the mail piece must be taller than 6.125” or longer than 11.5” and smaller than a 12”x15”. Postage is a flat fee of 17.5 cents. As a convenience, business owners no longer have to purchase the address files or pay to have the addresses printed onto the mailer. They do, however, still have to separate and label the mailers by the proper quantity and carrier route and that can be a real hassle.
Is it worth it? Figuring out if EDDM is worth your time, and the extra postage expense, is where we can help you.
More than likely, we can print and mail your piece (and remove all the hassle out of the process for you) at a price much lower than you can get with EDDM. But, if you simply prefer to do EDDM, we can help explain the process to you and get you the best possible rate for the complete package.
Call one of our Direct Mail Marketing Specialists at 214.747.6244 and see how we can help you grow your business through Direct Mail.